Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving

Scan_20151103“Give thanks to the Lord who is good, whose love endures forever.”  (Psalm 107:1)






If I had been the only one

                                                                                                      by Rosemary Heddens


If I had been the only one when you created me,

You still would have made a wondrous world

With everything I need.


If I had been the only one, you still would have sent your son

To be my savior and my friend,

To tell me of your love.


If I had been the only one, He still would have died for me,

To free me from my sinful self

And bring me to eternity.


I know I’m not the only one for in this vast world I see

Millions who long to hear your voice,

Who call upon your name.


I know I’m not the only one; I could not make that claim.

Although I’m not the only one,

You love me as if I am.


I wish you all a blessed Thanksgiving filled with friends, family, good food and God’s love.



2 thoughts on “Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving”

  1. What a beautiful, reflective prayer. I also enjoyed your “humble’ attempt with the power point presentation. . . it was very moving.

    In addition, I’m looking forward to Book 4 🙂


    1. I’m ashamed to say I am still working on book 4. I am close to finishing, but struggling to find time to write. It seemed that I did more writing when I was still working than I can get done now that I’m retired.


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